Monica Ferguson

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Contact person: Monica Ferguson
+64277374591 [email protected]
Service category: Events


Hello! I’m Monica Ferguson, a Portrait Photographer, a Self-Worth & Mindset Coach and a Podcast Host.

I started photographing people after losing my little brother suddenly in 2007 and wanting everyone to exist in photographs.

After getting into such an intimate space with so many people, I quickly learned that almost everyone believes that they are not good enough. I committed to creating an experience for people that made them feel so confident and beautiful that they couldn’t help but see their true amazing selves staring at them through the back of the camera.

I got hooked on being able to help people shift their perceptions of themselves and help them build up their self-worth so quickly from the outside in. I then studied to be a Coach with a focus on self-worth and really shifting the inner limits, fears and un-worthy feelings in order to help people claim their goals and be who they truly are. I specialise in supporting Creatives, Visionaries & Entrepeneurs to their next level & beyond! Really though, if you are ready to move from where you are, I will walk with you wherever you are at on your self-worth journey. If you do not believe that you are worthy, if you’re busy beating yourself up over everything that you feel isn’t good enough about yourself and you haven’t learned to receive, no amount of goal setting is going to cut it. Your results externally reflect your inner world. So, how exciting! I will act as a mirror for you and reflect back to you what’s really going on. Not only does that mean you’ll become aware of limits and blocks, but you’ll also get to see yourself as you truly are. Believe me when I say that you will cry when you realise who you truly are and how powerful, talented and worthy you have been this whole time.

Check out my podcast World Domination on iTunes & Spotify (or click podcast in the menu above) where I create real life, vulnerable, fun and insightful conversations with experts that will help you to grow and set you off on your world domination journey.

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Contact person: Monica Ferguson
+64277374591 [email protected]
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