Shannah Mae Photography

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Contact person: Shannah Mae Photography
+642102976481 [email protected]
Service category: Events


I am a Designer, Illustrator, Photographer and certified Cat Lady.
Growing up I never felt there was another choice other than being a creative. I, like many others, drew beautiful drawings with mums lipstick and probably other unimaginable medias on walls, floors, and any other expensive surfaces. I was an illustrator.

Then the time came, when my mum purchased an apple computer. My sister and I got 15 minutes each allocated a night. Leaving not much time to create masterpieces that would make me famous. But oh well, we had an apple. I was a designer.

Before I became a photographer, I was a supermodel. At the age of seven I won Miss Castlecliff, (if anyone has been to Wanganui you will know this is no small feat) I was rocking black cycle-pants, a cat tee and probably a fringe thicker than Aunty Pats thighs. But, I pocketed $20 that day.

These important foundations are what lead to todays career. This, and the time my design teacher at high school told me I would never be a designer.

I use to think that like any great superhero you have your day job, and you have your night job. Much like Bruce Wayne and Batman. During the day you do what you need too, to pay the bills, and at night you become Batman and do all the creative projects you have been dreaming of.
I can now say I am my own superhero. I do what I love all day and night. Just sadly, without the cat suit.

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Contact person: Shannah Mae Photography
+642102976481 [email protected]
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